optris PI – E2010-03-A
Appendix C - Serial Communication via Comport
of the Optris PI Connect Software
(a brief overview)
One of the features of the Optris PI Connect software ist he ability to communicate via a serial comport
interface. This can be a physical comport or a Virtual Comport (VCP). It must be available on the computer
where the PI connect software is installed.
Setup of the interface
To enable the software for the serial communication open the Options dialog and enter the tab “Extended
Communication”. Choose the mode “Comport” and select the port you want to use. Also select the baud rate
that matches the baud rate of the other communication device. The other interface parameters are 8 data bits,
no parity and one stop bit (8N1). This is mostly used on other communication devices too. The other station
must support 8 bit data.
Now you have to connect the computer with your other communication device. If this is a computer too you will
have to use a null modem cable.
Command list
You will find the command list on the CD provided.