optris CTratio
– E2013-04-A
Safety Note
This sensor contains an internal HIGH POWER LASER which is used for spot size illumination via
the fiber optics cable.
Before you open the electronics, remove the fiber optical cable from the
electronics or disassemble the optical head the sensor must be switched off
and disconnected from the power supply and USB interface!
The laser power at properly usage of the sensor (fiber optical cable incl.
sensing head connected) is < 1mW and fulfils laser class 2 according
IEC 60825-1:2007.
Avoid static electricity. The fiber optical cable has a minimum bending radius of
40 mm
In case of problems or questions which may arise when you use the CTratio, please contact our service
Read the manual carefully before the initial start-up. The producer reserves the right to change the herein
described specifications in case of technical advance of the product.