DVR Server Manual ver.5.05/rel.092507
Functional buttons for picture editing.
Sets the adjustments back to the default setting.
Print picture, if the image is wider than 400 pixels, it will be printed smaller.
When it‘s bright, with the mouse moving, part of the picture will be enlarged.
Delete current file or delete all files.
4.6 Fast search
button to show the date:
The green date is the current date. The gray dates indicate no data. Only those blue and green
ones can be selected and when they are selected the camera window will appear automatically to
show which cameras has record data.
to change month and year of search data.
4.7 Camera status
button to show the camera
‘s state. If the number is bright, it means there is
recorded data on this channel. Synchronized playback
button to synchronize all playback channels at the same time. Select the
camera window then click on ―Synchro‖. All the windows doing a playback will adjust their video
playback time frame based on the first selected camera prior to clicking the ―synchro‖ button.