Delayed activation of alarm detector
Sometimes it can be desired to delay the activation of an alarm detector. This is for
example when you want to go inside the house and deactivate the alarm before it sends
alarm messages.
Program the SIM card (see page
7) as follows:
Create a new contact. Name it ”DELAYX ”. X is the ID of the alarm
detector you want to delay (values of 1-8 are permitted).
Write the numbers of seconds you want to delay in the
telephone number field
Example: You want alarm detector with ID no 6 to be
activated with a delay of 45 seconds. In the name field of the
contact, write “DELAY6” and in the field for the telephone
number write “45”.
Activation of relay when alarming – Alarmrelay
This function activates the relay when the unit is alarming. This function is useful if you
for example have an alarm detector that alarms when water level is too high, the relay is
activated and turns on a pump.
The function is activated by adding a contact on the SIM card and name it
”ALARMRELAY”. In the telephone number field, write “1” (see page 7).
The function is deactivated by removing the contact from the SIM card.
Turn off/on the alarm function
Each time you start up Ontech GSM 9020 the alarm function is turned on 60 seconds
after the green lamp has stopped flashing. This delay is because you shall have time
enough to move away from the alarm detectors (compare with an ordinary alarm). If you
do not want the alarm function to be active, you can deactivate it. If you do not have any
alarm detector connected, you do not have to think about this.
Turn off/on the alarm function with a telephone
Call up the unit. Be sure you use tone mode on the telephone.
The unit answers with a beep.
Press your PINCODE and then #.
If the PINCODE is correct the unit replies with a beep. If it is not correct the call
is disconnected. Call again and try.
Turn off the alarm function by pressing buttons