Optional programming of the SIM card
In order to use some of the function you want it can be necessary to program more
contacts on the SIM card. See below:
To be sure programming is made in a correct way, you can check by requesting an
SMS with SIM card settings. See page 31.Do this every time you have changed the SIM
card settings.
Create a send list for alarms
(see page 14).
Create a new contact. Name it ”SMS0” (note that 0 is zero and not the
letter O).
Enter the mobile phone number for the receiver of the SMS. Save.
The following contacts in the send list are named SMS1, SMS2 etc,
and the mobile numbers are entered. All numbers from SMS0 to SMS9
can be used, in total 10 different numbers.
Set delay for activation of alarm detector (DELAY)
(see page 17).
It is possible to set a delayed activation for an alarm detector. This is
for giving you time to deactivate the alarm before the unit is sending
an alarm.
Create a new contact. Name it ”DELAYX ”. X is the ID of the alarm
detector you want to delay (values of 1-8 are permitted).
Write the numbers of seconds you want to delay in the
telephone number field
Example: You want alarm detector with ID no 6 to b activated
with a delay of 45 seconds. In the name field of the contact,
write “DELAY6” and in the field for the telephone number
write “45”.
Activate the temperature guard (TEMP)
(see page 20).
Create a new contact and name it ”DEGREE”.
Write the alarm temperature in the telephone number field. If
the alarm temperature is below zero degrees Celsius, add
zero (“0”) before the temperature. For example; minus 7
degrees C is written as “07”.
Create a new contact and name it ”TEMP”.
In the telephone number field write ”1” if you want an alarm
if the temperature drops
the alarm temperature given