Precautions for Handling MiniDiscs (MDs)
There are two types of MiniDiscs: playback-only discs
and recordable discs.
If you record data on a disc that has already been
recorded, the data will be added after the last track on
the disc and numbered accordingly. Information
regarding the recording, track names, disc names and
edits will be written to the TOC (Table of Contents).
Do not disconnect the power cord or shake the unit in
the following situations. Otherwise, the data will not be
written correctly.
• When the TOC indicator is lit:
The information to be written into the TOC is cur-
rently stored in memory on the FR-X7A.
• When the TOC indicator is flashing:
The information is being written to the MD.
Guide to the Serial Copy Management System
You cannot record data digitally from an MD (that has
been digitally recorded) to another MD. The FR-X7A is
a digital audio device that conforms to the Serial Copy
Management System (SCMS) standard. This standard
allows copying of digital data only once between digital
AV devices, and includes the following three rules:
• Rule 1
You can record data to an MD via the digital input of
an SCMS-equipped digital audio component from
CDs, DATs, or certain MDs.
However, you cannot record data to an MD via a digi-
tal input from media that has already been recorded
via a digital input on an SCMS-equipped digital audio
• Rule 2
You can record via the digital input of an SCMS-equipped
digital audio component to an MD from an MD on which
an analog recording or FM broadcast was recorded via
an analog input. However, you cannot record digital data
on an MD to another MD via a digital input.
You can record data infinitely from one MD to another
MD as long as the MD recorders are connected via
analog input and output connectors.
• Rule 3
If you are using a DAT deck or an MD recorder that
supports 32kHz or 48kHz sampling frequencies, you
can digitally record digital audio signals from satellite
broadcasts. In this case, you can copy the data onto
other digital media. However, some satellite receivers
may not allow second-generation digital copying.
Protecting recordings from accidental erasure
You can protect your MDs from accidental recording
by sliding the record-protect tab on the MDs to open
the record-protect window. To make the MDs record-
able again, close the record-protect tab.
Do not touch the disc in the cartridge directly with
your fingers.
Do not open the shutter by hand. Doing so may dam-
age the disc.
Storage location
Avoid storing MDs in a place subject to direct sunlight,
high temperature, or high humidity.
If the unit will not be used for an extended period
of time
Remove the MD from the unit to prevent dust from
entering the MD cartridge. When the MD is in the unit,
the shutter of the MD cartridge remains open.
Regular care
Use a dry cloth to wipe off dust and dirt that may have
accumulated on the cartridge surface.
Record-protect tab