11451 Belcher Road South, Largo FL 33773 • USA • Tel +1 (727) 447-6140 • Fax +1 (727) 442-5699 • [email protected]
F-1500 Turbine Flow Meter Manual 02/18 - 1018-6 / 35726
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1.2.1 Using This Manual
This manual provides information needed to install and operate the F-1500 insertion style
flow meter.
Section 1 includes the introduction and product description.
Section 2 provides information needed for installation.
Section 3 describes system operation and programming.
Section 4 provides information on HART, MODBUS and BACnet protocols.
Section 5 covers troubleshooting and repair.
Appendix A - Product Specifications
Appendix B– Flow Meter Calculations
Appendix C – Glossary of Terms
Appendix D – Terms & Conditions
1.2.2 Receipt of System Components
When receiving an ONICON flow meter, carefully check the outside packing carton for
damage incurred in shipment. If the carton is damaged, notify the local carrier and submit
a report to the factory or distributor. Remove the packing slip and check that all ordered
components are present. Make sure any spare parts or accessories are not discarded with the
packing material. Do not return any equipment to the factory without first contacting ONICON
Customer Service.
1.2.3 Technical Assistance
If you encounter a problem with your flow meter, review the configuration information
for each step of the installation, operation and set up procedures. Verify that your settings
and adjustments are consistent with factory recommendations. Refer to Section 5,
Troubleshooting, for specific information and recommendations.
If the problem persists after following the troubleshooting procedures outlined in Section 5,
contact ONICON Incorporated Technical Support at
(727) 447-6140 between 8:00AM and 5:00PM EST.
When calling Technical Support, have the following information on hand:
The serial number and model number (shown on the meter nameplate)
The problem you are encountering and any corrective action taken
Application information (fluid, pressure, temperature and piping configuration)
1.2.4 Warranty
Warranty ONICON’s complete warranty is included in Appendix D of this manual as part of
the “Conditions of Sale”. ONICON provides a two-year warranty.