3-5 Discriminating Access to Tag Function
The ID codes set in the Tags are utilized in identifying the target chips in
the antenna’s application fields. Responses are returned only when the ID
code in the command from the antenna and the ID code on the Tag are
The factory default of the Reader/Writer ID codes are all set to 00h, which
means communications are available regardless of ID codes on the Tags.
I.CODE1 mode
The I.CODE1 chip has two kinds of one-byte ID codes called the Family
Code and Application ID. The Tag ID code can be set/modified by the
Write Command (WT) with the Family Code/Application ID area (FF
page) specified.
The ID codes for the Reader/Writer can be set/modified by the
Reader/Writer Family Code Setting (FC)/Reader/Writer Application ID
Setting (AI) Command.
In I.CODE1 mode
Reader/Writer set value
Tag set value
Family code
Application ID
Family code Application ID
(1) 00h
00h A
55h AAh
(2) 55h
00h B
55h 11h
(3) 55h
00h 00h
Reader/writer setting (1)
This setting enables communication with Tag A, B, and C, as both of
the family code and application ID are set to “00h.”
Reader/writer setting (2)
This setting enables communications with Tag A and B as their
family codes match. Communication with Tag C is not possible. This
identification code has nothing to do with identifying Tags as the
application ID is “00h.”
Reader/writer setting (3)
The communication with Tag “A” is possible as the family code and
application ID match. The communication with Tag B and C are not
ISO Mode
Both the I.CODE SLI and ISO/IEC Chips have a one-byte ID code called
AFI (Address Family Identifier). To use this function, the AFI’s must be
set for the Reader/Writer and Tags, and the function must be enabled on
the Reader/Writer as well. The Tag ID codes are set/modified using the
System Write (SW) Command. The ID codes for the Reader/Writer are set
by the Reader/Writer AFI Enable/Disable Changeover (AE) Command or
the Reader/Writer AFI Value Setting (AF) Command.
In ISO mode
Reader/Writer AFI set value
Tag AFI set value
(1) 00h A
(2) 0Ah B
(3) 5Ah C
Reader/writer setting (1)
This setting enables communication with Tag A, B, and C as AFI is
set to “00h.”
Reader/writer setting (2)
This setting enables communication with Tag A and B of which the
AFI’s 4 least significant bits “Ah” match. As the 4 most significant
bits are “0h,” the part of this identification code has nothing to do
with identifying a Tag.
Reader/writer setting (3)
The communication with Tag “A” is possible as AFI matches.