Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front cover of the manual.
Cat. No. W325-E1-04
Revision code
The following table outlines the changes made to the manual during each revision. Page numbers refer to the
previous version.
Revision code
Revised content
August 1997
Original production
June 1998
Pages xii to xiv:
Precautionary information changed.
Pages 10, 67:
“Approximately” added to the conversion time of 0.3 ms in note
Page 20:
CPU Unit model numbers corrected.
Pages 27, 54, 92:
I/O table information added to the Caution.
Page 38:
“Approximately” added to the conversion time of 0.3 ms in note 3.
Page 67:
Conversion time addition corrected from “0.9 ms” to “0.3 ms.”
Page 105:
Error code F0 added to the table.
Pages 116, 117:
Sample Program 5: Scaling
rewritten and added to.
May 1999
Pages xii to xiv:
Precautionary information changed.
Pages 15, 73:
“Line Breakage while Using Voltage Input” section added.
Pages 27, 30, 31, 54, 58, 60, 92, 94, 96, 97, 100, 103:
Offset adjustment and
gain adjustment information added to the Caution.
Page 41:
“Analog Input Unit” corrected to “Analog Output Unit” in the first sen-
tence of
3-2-2 Unit Number Switch
Page 47:
Left column of the IR allocation table corrected.
Page 89:
Loop 1 and 2 bit settings for
Specifying I/O Relationships
Pages 113, 116, 117, 120:
Minor corrections to the sample program informa-
Page 127:
Loop 1 and 2 bit settings for
Use Designation
June 2003
Page xii:
Safety precautions added.
Page xiii:
“Power Supply Units” added in one place.
Page 4:
Information on mounting limitations added.
Page 38:
Note added after table.
Page 66:
Two lines added to table.
Page 67:
Note added after table.