RESET is an external input to reset the present max./min. values and counting
values. The process value when the RESET is ON is set as the maximum and
minimum values. The counting value is reset to zero. The max./min. values and
counting values can be reset using the front panel keys.
Refer to pages 104 and 105.
The K3NR is provided with a teaching function that can set an actual measured
value as a setting value without key input.
This function is useful for setting parameters while checking the operating status
of the K3NR.
The teaching function can be used to set the set and prescaling values. It can be
also used to set the linear output range of the K3NR with a Linear Output Board.
Refer to
6-1 Teaching Function
for details.
Output Test
This function is convenient for checking a system to which the K3NR is con-
nected, especially when some inputs cannot be operated. The K3NR simulates
an input to check the output conditions.
Refer to
6-2 Output test
for details.
The established setting value includes a hysteresis setting to prevent “chatter-
ing” of the output when the measured value fluctuates in the vicinity of the setting
Hysteresis is enabled when the measured value is starts to become smaller than
the HH and H setting values and larger than the LL and L setting values.
Refer to
, page 78.
Startup Compensation Time
The startup compensation time parameter keeps the measurement operation
from sending an unnecessary output corresponding to instantaneous, fluctuat-
ing input from the moment the K3NR is turned ON until the end of the preset peri-
Refer to
Startup Compensation Time,
page 74.
Remote/Local Selection
The K3NR can be operated remotely through a host computer or locally with key
Remote Mode: For programming remotely by downloading setup parameters
from a host computer via RS-232C, RS-485, or RS-422.
Local Mode:
Programming is performed with the front panel key input.
Refer to
Remote/Local Programming
, page 86.
Setting process time for averaging measured value prevents the display from
fluctuating due to unstable input.
Refer to
Process Time for Averaging Measured Value
, page 72.
Auto-Zero Time
The input pulse frequency does not drop to zero perfectly due to the estimated
frequency calculation of the K3NR. Therefore, the K3NR has a function to cali-
brate the frequency to zero forcibly should no input pulse be received for a cer-
tain period. The period during which no pulse is received before the K3TR sets
the frequency to zero is called “auto-zero time.”
Refer to page 62.
Process Time for Averaging
Measured Value
Section 1-1