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4. Limited 


Thank you for buying an OMRON product. This product is constructed of high quality materials and great care has been taken in its manufacturing. 
It is designed to give you every satisfaction, provided that it is properly operated and maintained as described in the instruction manual.
This product is warranted by OMRON for a period of 3 years after the date of purchase. The proper construction, workmanship and materials of 
this product is warranted by OMRON. During this period of warranty OMRON will, without charge for labour or parts, repair or replace the defect 
product or any defective parts.
The warranty does not cover any of the following:
A.  Transport costs and risks of transport.
B.  Costs for repairs and / or defects resulting from repairs done by unauthorised persons.
C.  Periodic check-ups and maintenance.
D.  Failure or wear of optional parts or other attachments other than the main device itself, unless explicitly warranted above.
E.   Costs arising due to non-acceptance of a claim (those will be charged for).
F.   Damages of any kind including personal caused accidentally or from misuse.
G.  Calibration service is not included within the warranty.
H.  Optional parts have a one (1) year warranty from date of purchase. Optional parts include, but are not limited to the following items: cuff and 

cuff tube.

Should warranty service be required please apply to the dealer whom the product was purchased from or an authorised OMRON distributor. For 
the address refer to the product packaging / literature or to your specialised retailer. If you have difficulties in finding OMRON customer services, 
contact us for information:
Repair or replacement under the warranty does not give rise to any extension or renewal of the warranty period.
The warranty will be granted only if the complete product is returned together with the original invoice / cash ticket issued to the consumer by the 

Summary of Contents for HEM-7154-E

Page 1: ...le mode d emploi et avant l utilisation DE Lesen Sie vor derVerwendung die Gebrauchsanweisung und IT Leggere il manuale di istruzioni e prima dell uso ES Lea el manual de instrucciones y antes del uso NL Lees de gebruiksaanwijzing en voor gebruik RU Прочтите руководство по эксплуатации и перед использованием TR Kullanmadan önce kullanım kılavuzu ve yi okuyun ϡ ΩΧΗγϻ ϝΑϗ ϭ Ε ΩΎηέϹ ϝϳϟΩ έϗ AR ...

Page 2: ...ous injury DO NOT use this monitor on infants toddlers children or persons who cannot express themselves DO NOT adjust medication based on readings from this blood pressure monitor Take medication as prescribed by your physician ONLY a physician is qualified to diagnose and treat high blood pressure DO NOT use this monitor on an injured arm or an arm under medical treatment DO NOT apply the arm cu...

Page 3: ...monitor in high use environments such as medical clinics or physician offices DO NOT use this monitor with other medical electrical ME equipment simultaneously This may result in incorrect operation of the monitor and or cause an inaccurate reading Avoid bathing drinking alcohol or caffeine smoking exercising and eating for at least 30 minutes before taking a measurement Rest for at least 5 minute...

Page 4: ...get in your eyes immediately rinse with plenty of clean water Consult with your physician immediately If battery fluid should get on your skin wash your skin immediately with plenty of clean lukewarm water If irritation injury or pain persists consult with your physician DO NOT use batteries after their expiration date Periodically check batteries to ensure they are in good working condition 2 3 G...

Page 5: ...pleted after the arm cuff inflates You move or talk during a measurement and the arm cuff does not inflate sufficiently Remain still and do not talk during a measurement If E2 appears repeatedly inflate the arm cuff manually until the systolic pressure is 30 to 40 mmHg above your previous readings Refer to section 11 of instruction manual Due to the systolic pressure is above 210 mmHg a measuremen...

Page 6: ... Nothing appears on the display of the monitor Battery polarities are not properly aligned Check the battery installation for proper placement Refer to section 3 of instruction manual Readings appear too high or too low Blood pressure varies constantly Many factors including stress time of day and or how you apply the arm cuff may affect your blood pressure Review sections 2 of instruction manual ...

Page 7: parts or other attachments other than the main device itself unless explicitly warranted above E Costs arising due to non acceptance of a claim those will be charged for F Damages of any kind including personal caused accidentally or from misuse G Calibration service is not included within the warranty H Optional parts have a one 1 year warranty from date of purchase Optional parts include but ...

Page 8: ... your monitor and other components are wet In locations exposed to extreme temperatures humidity direct sunlight dust or corrosive vapors such as bleach In locations exposed to vibrations or shocks 5 3 Cleaning Do not use any abrasive or volatile cleaners Use a soft dry cloth or a soft cloth moistened with mild neutral detergent to clean your monitor and arm cuff and then wipe them with a dry clot...

Page 9: ...ondensing 800 to 1060 hPa Storage Transport conditions 20 to 60 C 10 to 90 RH non condensing Contents Monitor arm cuff HEM RML31 4 AA batteries storage case Instruction Manual and Protection against electric shock Internally powered ME equipment when using only batteries Class II ME equipment optional AC adapter Weight Monitor approximately 310 g not including batteries Arm cuff approximately 170 ...

Page 10: ... with other commercial waste for disposal 8 Important Information Regarding Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC HEM 7154 E conforms to EN60601 1 2 2015 Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC standard Further documentation in accordance with this EMC standard is available at www omron healthcare com Refer to the EMC information for HEM 7154 E on the website 9 Guidance and Manufacturer s Declaration This b...

Page 11: ...Ϡϟ ΏέγΗϣϟ Class II equipment Protection against electric shock FR Équipement de classe II Protection contre les chocs électriques DE Gerät der Klasse II Schutz vor Stromschlägen IT Apparecchiatura di Classe II Protezione contro le folgorazioni ES Equipo de Clase II Protección contra descargas eléctricas NL Apparatuur van Klasse II Bescherming tegen elektrische schokken RU Изделие класса II Защита ...

Page 12: ...umedad NL Vochtigheidsbegrenzing RU Диапазон влажности TR Nem sınırlaması ΔΑγΎϧϣϟ ΔΑϭρέϟ ΩϭΩΣ AR Atmospheric pressure limitation FR Limitation de pression atmosphérique DE Luftdruckbegrenzung IT Limite di pressione atmosferica ES Limitación de la presión atmosférica NL Luchtdrukbegrenzing RU Ограничение атмосферного давления TR Atmosferik basınç sınırlaması ΏγΎϧϣϟ ϱϭΟϟ ρϐοϟ ΩϭΩΣ AR Indication of c...

Page 13: ...Манжеты совместимые с устройством TR Cihaz ile uyumlu kollukların tanıtım işareti ρ έηϟ ΩϳΩΣΗ ΕΎϣϼϋ AR ίΎϬΟϟ ϊϣ ΔϘϓ ϭΗϣϟ ΔρϏΎοϟ Cuff positioning indicator for the left arm FR Indicateur de positionnement du brassard pour le bras gauche DE Indikator für die Manschettenposition am linken Arm IT Indicatore di posiziona mento del bracciale per il braccio sinistro ES Indicador de posición del manguitoe...

Page 14: ...r of arm circumferences to help selection of the correct cuff size FR Indicateur de plagedecirconférence du bras pour la sélection de la taille de brassard adaptée DE Bereichsanzeige für den Armumfang zur Auswahl der richtigen Manschettengröße IT Indicatore degli intervalli di circonferenze braccio per la scelta della misura di bracciale corretta ES Indicador de las medidas del perímetro de brazo ...

Page 15: ...держит натуральный латекс TR Doğal kauçuk lateksten üretilmemiştir ϡ ΩΧΗγ ϥϭΩ ϊϳϧλΗϟ ϡΗ AR ϲόϳΑρϟ ρΎρϣϟ αϛϳΗϻ Arm circumference FR Circonférence du bras DE Armumfang IT Circonferenza del braccio ES Perímetro de brazo NL Armomtrek RU Окружность плеча TR Kol çevresi ω έΫϟ ρϳΣϣ AR Necessity for the user to consult this instruction manual FR L utilisateur doit consulter le présent mode d emploi DE Der...

Page 16: ...плуатации TR Güvenlik açısından kullanıcının bu kullanım kılavuzuna dikkatle uyması gerekir ωΎΑΗ ϰϟ ϡΩΧΗγϣϟ ΔΟΎΣ AR ϝϳϟΩ ϲϓ ΓΩέ ϭϟ Ε ΩΎηέϹ υΎϔΣϠϟ Ϋϫ ϝϣΎϛϟΎΑ Ε ΩΎηέϹ Δϣϼγϟ ϰϠϋ Direct current FR Courant continu DE Gleichstrom IT Corrente diretta ES Corriente directa NL Gelijkstroom RU Постоянный ток TR Doğru akım έηΎΑϣϟ έΎϳΗϟ AR Alternating current FR Courant alternatif DE Wechselstrom IT Corrente a...

Page 17: ...2019 07 29 IM1 HEM 7154 E 01 03 2019 2870428 8A Issue Date Date de publication Ausgabedatum Data di pubblicazione Fecha de publicación Uitgiftedatum Дата выпуска Teslim Tarihi έ ΩλϹ ΦϳέΎΗ ...

Page 18: legen IT Sedere con la schiena e il braccio ben sostenuti ES Siéntese de modo que la espalda y el brazo estén bien apoyados NL Zit met uw rug en arm ondersteund RU Сядьте так чтобы спина и рука опирались на что либо TR Sırtınız ve kolunuz desteklenecek şekilde oturun ΩΎϧΗγ ϊοϭ ϲϓ ω έΫϟ ϭ έϬυϟ ϥϭϛϳ ΙϳΣΑ αϠΟ AR Place the arm cuff at the same level as your heart FR Le brassard doit se trouver au m...

Page 19: sont stockées DE Es werden bis zu 60 Messwerte gespeichert IT Vengono conservati fino a 60 risultati ES Se almacenan hasta 60 lecturas NL Er kunnen tot 60 meetwaarden worden opgeslagen RU Сохраняется до 60 результатов TR 60 adede kadar ölçüm değeri saklanır ΔϧίΧϣϟ Ε έϘϟ ΩΩϋ ϝλϳ AR Γ έϗ ϰϟ 10 2 Average of the Latest 2 or 3 Readings Taken within a 10 Minute Span FR Moyenne des 2 ou 3 dernières me...
