When you add a GI-S to a network there are three ways to set the default IP address so you can
program the I/O Block.
Rotary switches
Will set the IP address to 192.168.250.x. To do this set the rotary switches to 0xx where xx is the last octet in the
IP address.
Set the rotary switches to 000 or 400 (400 if you suspect the unit has an existing programmed IP address)
Cycle power to the GI-S and it will pick up an address from the switch DHCP (if enabled on the switch)
Use the switch software to determine what IP address the DHCP software on the switch gave to your device.
This is a Rockwell Automation tool that lets you assign a specific IP address to a specific MAC address.
Set the rotary switches to 000 or 400 (400 if you suspect the unit has an exiting programmed IP address)
When you program the I/O block using Sysmac Studio you will set the device to a fixed IP address
as part of the setup and the DHCP or BOOTP-DHCP servers will no longer be needed. There is no
way to use Sysmac Studio to set the GI-S IP address without a Safety Controller being connected.
Hence the need for DHCP to get the GI-S on the same network as the Safety Controller.