Auto-tuning Indicator
Flashes on and off every second
when auto-tuning is taking place.
Bank Number Display
Displays the present
bank number.
Output Indicator
Lights when the control
output is ON. Turns off
when the current output
unit is used.
Display Key
Press to shift the display to
the next parameter.
Level Key
Press for 2 seconds minimum
to change levels to set differ-
ent groups of parameters.
Process Value (PV) Display
Displays the process value, the character for
parameter being displayed on the SV display,
and error messages.
Alarm 1 Indicator
Lights when alarm
output 1 is ON.
Set Value (SV) Display
Displays the main setting
and other parameters.
Alarm 2 Indicator
Lights when alarm output 2 is ON.
UP Key
Press to increase the main setting or
other parameters. Successively in-
creases the value when held down.
Auto-tuning Key
Press for 1 second minimum to start
auto-tuning. Press for 1 second minimum
during auto-tuning to stop auto-tuning.
Down Key
Press to decrease the main setting or
other parameters. Successively de-
crease the value when held down.
Front cover
Heater Burnout Indicator
Lights when a heater burnout is
detected and stays lit until reset.
Sensor Error Indicator
Lights when sensor error
is detected.
Press both the Display Key and Level Key for 1 second minimum to start auto-tuning.
Press both the Display Key and Level Key for 1 minimum during auto-tuning to stop auto-tuning.
Remote Indicator
Lights in the remote
mode. The indicator is
off in the local mode.
Remote Key
Press to communicate in
the remote mode. Press
again to set parameters
with the keys in the local