1 Introduction
CJ-series High-speed Counter Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W492)
-5 Operating
Operating Procedure Guidelines
The operating procedures for High-speed Counter Units are described here.
There is no restriction regarding the sequence of "Programs and software settings" and "Hardware set-
ting and Rack assembly." These tasks may be carried out concurrently or in the reverse order.
Use Sysmac Studio to create and set programs.
For details on operations of Sysmac Studio, refer to Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat.
No. W504).
* At this time, an I/O Setting Check Error occurs when there is a Unit Configuration in the CPU Unit which does not
match the actual Unit Configuration. In this case, reset the Controller in Reset the Controller or restart the Unit
process to cancel the error.
Create Initial Settings Data of the Unit
Types of Counters and inputs
Digital Input function
Comparison data count, addresses,
Create the Unit settings by using the Edit Special Unit Settings
(when using Circular/Linear Counters).
Register the structure data type for this Unit on the CPU/
Expansion Racks screen in Configuration and Setup
(when using output control functions).
(When the program is transferred, items set here will be reflected
in the device variables for CJ-series Unit (for setting).)
Create POU and global
Create Unit Configuration
Create and register global variables and each POU.
Create algorithm of each POU and register local variables of each POU.
Register the Unit in the Unit Configuration on the CPU/Expansion
Racks screen in Configuration and Setup.
At this time, set both the device name and the unit number of the
unit to be registered.
Allocate on the I/O Map View window.
You can use one of the following three methods to allocate.
1. Select and allocate existing variables.
2. Input a new variable name.
3. Automatically create with "Device variable creation".
Create device variables for CJ-series Unit on the I/O Map View window.
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Set the unit number switches on the front panel of
the High-speed Counter Unit.
Set the same unit number as in the Unit Configuration settings.
Set the Unit number
Set for each Counter.
Set the Counter type switch on the front panel of
the High-speed Counter Unit.
Set the types of Counters
Mount and wire to the Rack
Reflect the settings for the switches on the front panel of
the High-speed Counter Unit, in the Unit.
Turn ON the power supply
to the Controller*
Transfer user programs, Unit Configuration and
Setup and variable information
Transfer the user programs
(This is reflected when the Controller is reset or the Unit restarted.)
Reflect the settings for the Unit, in the High-speed Counter Unit.
Reset the Controller or restart the Unit.
With the user program, Counter starting and stopping, using
Range Mode or Comparison Mode to control external output, etc.