1 Introduction
CJ-series High-speed Counter Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W492)
1-3 Sp
s an
nal Specifications
* This specification item is only supported for Circular and Linear Counters (not for Simple Counters). For a com-
plete overview of the differences between Simple and Circular/Linear Counters refer to 1-4 Quick Start Up Refer-
ence Guide.
Reset Signals
Every Counter can be reset to zero by the following sources:
• Software Counter Reset Bit
• Digital Input*
• Z-Input*
Refer to 3-6 Reset Counter.
Extra Functions
• Programmable Output Pulse*:
To every Digital Output an ON-delay and/or a Pulse Duration [1 to 9999 ms] can be
applied (refer to 3-7-1 Programmable Output Pulses)
• Hysteresis*: To prevent Outputs from being switched On and Off by very small fluctu-
ations in the Counter Value around Range Limits, for every Counter an Hysteresis-
value [1 to 255] can be defined (the Unit must in Range Mode). Refer to 3-7-2 Hyster-
Noise Filtering Counter Inputs
and Digital Inputs
To suppress noise on the signal lines of the Counter Inputs (A and B) and the Digital
Inputs (I0 and I1) a Noise Filter can be configured to:
• 10 kHz*
• 50 kHz (default)
• 500 kHz*
For the Digital Inputs the 500 kHz filter can not be selected. The Z-Input Signals of every
Counter are filtered with a fixed Noise Filter of 1 kHz. Refer to 3-7-3 Noise Filtering.
Initial Counter Value
• The initial Counter Values is transferred to the Counter Unit when the Controller is
reset or the Counter Unit is restarted.* Refer to 3-7-4 Initial Counter Value.
Error History Log Function
• Stores up to 30 error log records (refer to 5-2 Error codes)