4 Exchanging Data with CPU
CJ-series High-speed Counter Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W492)
Additional Information
For details on creation of device variables for CJ-series Unit, refer to Sysmac Studio Version 1
Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504).
In the explanations from here on, the device name automatically created is used as the device variable
for CJ-series Unit, for example *_Ch1_Prst.
For the data used in Range Mode and Comparison Mode, it is necessary to allocate the variables used
by the user (user-defined variables) to memory for CJ-series Unit.
Structure data types are pre-defined for comparison data used in Range Mode and Comparison Mode.
In order to use these data types, register the structure data type for High-speed Counter Units before-
hand on the CPU/Expansion Racks screen in Configuration and Setup of Sysmac Studio.
With the Unit selected on the CPU/Expansion Racks screen in Configuration and Setup, right click, then
select Register Data Types for Units. The data type is registered and becomes usable.
The user program uses the user-defined variables to control High-speed Counter Units.
With High-speed Counter Units, the following structure data types can be used for each comparison
mode and Counter setting.
Allocating User-defined Variables
Comparison mode
Counter setting
Structure data type name
Range Mode
Linear Counter
Circular Counter
Comparison Mode
Linear Counter
Circular Counter