Display Features & Meter Operation
5.3 Button Operation
The “MODE” and “SET” buttons located of on the front display of your meter
are activated by pushing down onto the keypad button symbol on the front
meter label.
Mode Button Operation – To activate the “MODE” button, push your finger
down on the “MODE” button and hold for three seconds until the unit enters the
“MODE” menu. Then move away your finger. Each time you push down on the
“MODE” button the meter will step through each parameter.
“SET” Button Operation - The “SET” button has two primary functions.
Independently the button is used to turn the backlighting on. To activate the
backlight, push your finger down on the “SET” button and hold for three
seconds until the backlighting turns on. The backlighting will remain on for the
amount of time you selected during the setup and configuration process.
If you selected “Always Off” when setting the meter up, then
the “SET” button will not turn the backlighting on from the
front keypad.
When in the “MODE” menu, the “SET” button is used for the following:
To reset the MIN, MAX, or AVG values to the current temperature reading.
All three are reset simultaneously, from any one of the three screens, MIN,
MAX, or AVG.
To silence the High or Low alarm, when in the “HAL” or “LAL” screen and
the alarm is configured for “Latching”. This will cause the display to stop
blinking, however, the alarm output will remain activated until the alarm
condition clears.
To turn the wireless transmitter “On” or “Off” while in the “WRLS” screen.
To select units of measure while in the “UNIT” screen.
Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.co.kr/