AWS-C Installation and operating manual
Inflation / pressure correction
During inflation / pressure correction controller is trying to equalize actual pressure
with set target value. Actual pressure in tyre is displayed in the center of display
during the inflation /pressure correction procedure. Small number in upper right
corner of display is target pressure.
Picture 9: Actual pressure and target pressure values
End of tyre inflation /pressure correction is signalized by audible and visual signal.
After that user can disconnect hose from the tyre and controller will automatically
switch to »set target pressure mode«. If next tyre is inflated within 2 minutes target
pressure value remains the same as it was for previous inflation.
To interrupt inflation /pressure correction press any button.
Checking pressure in the tyre
If we want to check actual pressure in the tyre without any correction we must set
target pressure to 0bar. Now controller will behave as manometer.
Picture 10: Checking pressure in the tyre mode
To check pressure in the tyre we must connect hose to the tyre and press button for
manual stard. Now we can measure pressure in the range from 0 up to 9,9 bar.
Picture 11: Checking pressure in the tyre
To switch back to »set target pressure mode« press any button