5. Equally Average Use of Frequencies in Data Mode and Short
The generation of the hopping sequence in connection mode
depends essentially on two input values:
1. LAP/UAP of the master of the connection
2. Internal master clock
The LAP (lower address part) is the 24 LSB's of the 48 BD-
ADDRESS. The BD ADDRESS is an unambiguous number of every
Bluetooth unit. The UAP (upper address part) are the 24 MSB's of
the 48 BD-ADDRESS. The internal clock of a Bluetooth unit is
derived from a free running clock, which is never adjusted and is
never turned off. For synchronization with other units, only the offsets
are used. It has no relation to the time of the day. Its resolution is at
least half the RX/TX slot length of 312.5IJs. The clock has a cycle of
about one day (23h30). In most case it is implemented as a 28-bit
counter. For the deriving of the hopping sequence the entire LAP (24
bits), 4 LSB's (4 bits) (Input 1) and the 27 MSB's of the clock (Input
2) are used. With this input values different mathematical procedures
(permutations, additions, XOR-operations) are performed to
generate the sequence. This will be done at the beginning of every
new transmission.
Regarding short transmissions, the Bluetooth system has the
following behavior:
The first connection between the two devices is established, a
hopping sequence is generated. For transmitting the wanted data,
the complete hopping sequence is not used and the connection ends.
The second connection will be established. A new hopping sequence
is generated. Due to the fact that the Bluetooth clock has a different
value, because the period between the two transmission is longer
(and it cannot be shorter) than the minimum resolution of the clock
s). The hopping sequence will always differ from the first one.
6. Receiver Input Bandwidth, Synchronization and Repeated
Single or Multiple Packets
The input bandwidth of the receiver is 1 MHz. In every connection,
one Bluetooth device is the master and the other one is the slave.
The master determines the hopping sequence (see section 5). The
slave follows this sequence. Both devices shift between RX and TX
time slot according to the clock of the master. Additionally the type of
connection (e.g. single or multi-slot packet) is set up at the beginning
of the connection. The master adapts its hopping frequency and its
TX/RX timing is according to the packet type of the connection. Also,
the slave of the connection uses these settings. Repeating of a
packet has no influence on the hopping sequence. The hopping
sequence generated by the master of the connection will be followed
in any case. That means, a repeated packet will not be send on the