All Aluminum body
The CAMEDIA E-10 SLR provides a balanced and nimble light
weight all aluminum cast body that has the added feature of a
“Mirror Box,” which acts with the body as a heat sink. This
disperses heat throughout the entire camera’s body away from
the sensor to cut down on heat related electronic noise and
has a direct correlation to the quality of images coming from
the E-10.
Joel Meyerowitz talks about the balance and weight, “typically
I shoot about 10 hours a day and at the end of the day I usually
have problems with indentations in my fingers and my hands
are tired. This camera did not have the usual problems of
being heavy on the front end of the lens. It was balanced
properly and light enough yet solid as well. After shooting all
day with the E-10, I didn’t have the typical problems I have
with other cameras.”
On-board Histogram
Often when shooting on-location professional digital photog-
raphers use an in-camera tool called a histogram. A histo-
gram represents the all the image data and tonal range that
is captured and represents this data in a linear graphic form.
Often in critical situations it may be difficult for a professional
photographer to tell whether the image is a good image or
one that should be re-shot by just looking at the LCD. The
CAMEDIA E-10 Zoom SLR provides the ability to view the
histogram of an image on the camera’s LCD so you can be
assured from a visual standpoint and a graphical perspec-
tive that you’ve got a “keeper”.