DPOF (Digital Print Order Format)
This is for saving desired print settings on digital cameras. By entering which
images to print and the number of copies of each, the user can easily have
the desired images printed by a printer or print lab that supports the DPOF
Dual Auto Focus
An auto focus system that uses two different focus detection systems in
combination. This camera uses the CCD’s contrast detection system in
combination with the passive autofocus system, nullifying the shortcomings of
each system.
EV (Exposure Value)
A system for measuring exposure. EV0 is when the aperture is at F1 and the
shutter speed is 1 second. The EV then increases by 1 each time the
aperture increases by one F stop or the shutter speed increases by one
increment. EV can also be used to indicate brightness and ISO settings.
The amount of light used to capture an image. The exposure is determined by
the time the shutter is open (shutter speed) and the amount of light that
passes through the lens (aperture).
A method for indicating film speed by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) (e.g. “ISO100”). Higher ISO values indicate greater
sensitivity to light, so images can be exposed even in low-light conditions.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
A compression format for still images. Photographs (images) shot using this
camera are recorded onto the card in JPEG format when the Record mode is
set to SHQ, HQ, SQ1 or SQ2. By downloading these images to a personal
computer, users can edit them using graphics application software or view the
images using an Internet web browser.
M (Manual) Mode
The user sets both the aperture and shutter speed.
NTSC (National Television Systems Committee) / PAL (Phase
Alternating Line)
Television formats. NTSC is mainly used in Japan, North America and Korea.
PAL is mainly used in Europe and China.