Destudding Gun PS-01
OKU Tools GmbH, 70374 Stuttgart, Germany
1 Preface and general information
1.1 General
The present operating instructions are used for safe operation of the Destudding Gun
(in the following referred to as “gun“), type PS-01, (id.No. 00143037). The safety in-
structions included hereinafter must be observed.
The operating instructions must be available to every person who is working with the
gun and the included indications must be carefully attended to.
The operating instructions must always be complete and perfectly readable.
1.2 Scope of supply
The delivery normally consists of a destudding gun and the operating instructions.
The parts included in the delivery are stated in the accompanying papers.
These papers shall be checked for conformity immediately after receipt of the goods.
OKU Tools GmbH does not take on any guarantee and/or accept any liability for de-
fects complained belatedly. Therefore:
contact the forwarder immediately to complain about visible transit damages,
contact OKU Tools GmbH immediately to complain about visible defects and/or
incompleteness of delivery.
1.3 Intended use
The gun is exclusively destined for the removal of single and multi-flange studs from
tires of passenger-cars and trucks.
Any other use shall be deemed to be inappropriate!
1.4 Liability
The information, data and notes of these operating instructions were up-to-date when
being printed. The specifications, illustrations and descriptions included hereinafter do
not apply to any previously supplied guns.
We do not accept liability for damages and operating troubles caused by:
inappropriate use,
unauthorized modification of the gun,
improper operation of the gun,
operating errors,
disregard of the operating instructions.
1.5 Warranty
Conditions of warranty: see Standard Terms and Conditions of OKU Tools GmbH.