UNIX > 56
Transfer the print data to the network card using the put command. Two methods of
file transfer using the put command are available.
Example: Transferring print data test.prn
ftp> put test.prn
Example: Transferring print data specif
ied by absolute path/users/test/test.prn
ftp> put /users/test/test.prn
Logout from the network card using the quit command.
ftp> quit
Three states can be verified using the quote command stat: the IP address, login user
name and transfer mode. In addition, printer status can be verified by specifying the
directory after the stat (lp, sjis, euc).
Example: Displaying network card status
ftp> quote stat
211-FTP server status:
Connected to:
User logged in: root
Transfer type: BINARY
Data connection: Closed.
211 End of status.
Example: Displaying the network card status (directory name: lp)
ftp> quote stat /lp
211-FTP directory status:
211 End of status