Insert the drain hose into a drain pipe with a minimum diameter of 4cm, or let it run into the sink, making sure to avoid
bending or crimping it. Use the special plastic support that comes with the appliance . The top of the hose must be at
a height between 40 and 100cm. The free end of the hose must not be immersed in water to avoid the back flow of it.
ATTENTION: The special plastic hose support must be solidly fastened to the wall to prevent the drain hose from
moving and allowing water to spill outside the drain.
Drain hOse cOnnecTiOn
Connect the cold water supply hose to a threaded 3/4(inch) connector and
make sure that it is fastened tightly in place. If the water pipes are new or
have not been used for an extended period of time, let the water run to make
sure that the water is clear. This precaution is needed to avoid the risk of the
water in let to be blocked and damage the appliance.
cOlD waTer cOnnecTiOn
In order to avoid that there is more water staying in the inlet hose, please close the hydrant after using. (Not
applicable to appliances without aqua-stop.)
hOw TO Drain excess waTer FrOM hOses
If the sink is 1000 higher from the floor, the excess water in hoses cannot be drained directly into the sink. It will be
necessary to drain excess water from hoses into a bowl or suitable container that is held outside and lower then the
waTer OuTleT
Connect the water drain hose. The drain hose mu st be correctly fitted to avoid water leaks. Ensure that the water drain
hose is no t kin ked or squashed.
exTensiOn hOse
If you need a drain hose extension, make sure to use a similar drain hose. It must be no longer than 4 metres; otherwise
the cleaning effect of the dishwasher could be reduced .
syPhOn cOnnecTiOn
The waste connection must be at a height of between 40 cm (minimum) and 100 cm (maximum) from the bottom of
the dish. The water drain hose should be fixed by a hose clip. The free end of the hose must not be immersed in water.