The filter prevents larger remnants of food or other objects from getting inside the pump. The residues may block the
filter, in this case they must be removed.
MainTenance anD cleaninG
FilTerinG sysTeM
The filter system consists of a coarse filter, a flat (Main
filter) and a microfilter (Fine filter).
Main FilTer
Food and soil particles trapped in this filter are
pulverized by a special jet on the lower spray arm
and washed down to drain.
cOarse FilTer
Larger items, such as pieces of bones or glass, that
could block the drain are trapped in the coarse filter.
To remove the items caught by the filter, gently
squeeze the tap on the top of this filter and lift out.
Fine FilTer
This filter holds soil and food residues in the sump
area and prevents it from being redeposit on the
dishes during wash cycle.
The dishwasher must never be used without the filters.
Improper replacement of the filter may reduce the performance level of the appliance and damage dishes and
FilTer asseMbly
For best performance and results, the filter assembly must be cleaned. The filter efficiently removes food particles
from the wash water, allowing it to be recycled during the cycle. For best performance and results, the filter must be
cleaned regularly. For this reason, it is a good idea to remove the larger food particles trapped in the filter after each
wash cycle by rinsing the semicircular filter and cup under running water. To remove the filter device, pull the cup
handle in the upward direction. The entire filter assembly should be cleaned once a week.
To clean the coarse filter and the fine filter, use a cleaning brush. Then, reassemble the filter parts as shown in the
figures left and reinsert the entire assembly in the dishwasher, positioning in its seat and pressing downward. The
dishwasher must never be used without the filters. Improper replacement of the filter may reduce the performance
level of the appliance and damage dishes and utensils.
step 1:
Turn the filter in anti-clockwise direction, then lift
it up.
step 2:
Lift the Main filter up.
step 3:
Lift the fine filter up.
When following this procedure from step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed; when following it from Step 3 to
Step 1, the filter system will be installed.