© 2022 OJ Electronics A/S
Temperature Scale 1/3
This option allows you to set the minimum and maximum temperature to which
the thermostat can be set – as well as the minimum and maximum limits for floor
temperature .
Operating temperatures:
• Minimum Temperature Scale can be set between 5°C and 15°C .
• Maximum Temperature Scale can be set between 20°C and 40°C .
(If “
Sensor Application
” is set to “
”, a maximum temperature of 27°C can
protect wooden floors from drying out . For precise information, please ask your
flooring supplier) .
Floor limit temperatures:
Floor limit temperatures allow you to set the lowest (Minimum Temp . Limit) and
highest (Maximum Temp . Limit) permissible floor temperature during normal room
temperature control . If floor temperature drops below the Minimum Temp . Limit,
the thermostat will activate the heating system to maintain the temperature above
the set minimum . If floor temperature rises above the Maximum Temp . Limit, the
thermostat will deactivate the heating system to maintain the temperature below the
set maximum .
Floor Limit temperatures are only available if “
Room/Floor Limit
” has been selected
under “
Sensor Application
” .