STARTER 5000 Bench pH Meter EN-13
STARTER 5000 can print the measurement or calibration data through RS232. After the printer
(e.g. OHAUS SF-40A) is connected to the meter properly, make the following settings(See 5.1):
please order the connect cable for ST5000 (P/N 30059316) to connect SF40A and ST5000.
System Setting
► Output
, select
System Setting
► Baud Rate
, select
The format for the print-out measurement is:
Date Time User SampleID
6-13-2015 14:20:22 User01 Sample02
SensorID Endpoint mode MTC/ATC
Sensor02 Manual ATC
Temperature Result
25.3°C 6.999pH
The format for the print-out calibration data is:
Calibration Data
SensorID Serial Number
Sensor02 14060012
Cal. Date Cal. Time ATC/MTC
01-01-2015 14:20:33 ATC
Buffers mV Offset Slope
4.00pH 176.94mV
7.00pH 0.05mV 0.05mV 98.22%
When performing continuous measurement, the format for the print-out calibration data is:
Timing Measure Record
SensorID Serial Number
Sensor03 14060012
Date Time Temperature Measurement
01-01-2015 14:20:25 23.5°C 6.998pH
Date Time Temperature Measurement
01-01-2015 14:20:30 23.5°C 6.999pH
Date Time Temperature Measurement
01-01-2015 14:20:35 23.5°C 7.000pH