1. Turn the power off.
2. Lower the cup stand and turn the torque arm clamp up and away.
3. Swing the torque arm back to allow removal of the test block.
4. Remove and thoroughly rinse the test block with deionized water.
5. Remove the cup and discard the test fluid.
6. Remove the retaining nut and test ring.
7. Use Acetone, deionized water, and a brush to clean the entire test area,
including the test ring, test block, and block holder. To prevent rust,
ensure that the entire unit is clean and dry. If the machine is to be
stored for a long period of time, coat all components with oil.
1. The roller bearing in the main shaft may occasionally need to be
greased. If you notice a squeaking noise coming from the main shaft,
add a high-temperature bearing grease (such as Lubriplate No. 12601)
via the zerk fitting on the back of the unit.
2. The upper main shaft ball bearing is sealed and will need replacement
only when the shaft end-lay can be detected. Shaft end-lay is indicated
by excessive oscillation in the torque reading. To replace the bearing:
OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
Main Shaft