Echotrac CV100
User Manual
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Odom Hydrographic Systems, Inc.
May 28, 2008
Setting up two batteries in series (24 Volts DC system)
Battery 1
12 Volts
Battery 2
12 Volts
(-) (-)
DC Power cable
Using a jumper simply connect the positive post of battery 1 to the negative post on battery 2. Connect the
negative lead from the power cable to the negative post on battery 1 and the positive lead to the positive post on
battery 2. Always check the voltage with a voltage or multi-meter before connecting the DC power cable to any
equipment. Make sure that all the connecting equipment is also turned off before applying the power cables.
Otherwise the transients of such a ‘jump-start’ could damage the equipment.
2.5 Choice of operating frequencies
The Echotrac CV can be configured to use either a High or a Low frequency board, respectively 100 kHz – 750
kHz or 24 kHz – 50 kHz. Standard transducers are generally available from stock that support the frequency
ranges listed on the product description page (See 2.1 Specifications).
2.6 Signal connector Transducer
The signal from the transducer is passed to the Echotrac CV via a standard Odom transducer cable with a twist-
lock connector.