To return to the factory configuration and (re)activate the screen included with the kit, simply type the command
“display_output panel.”
SHELL>> display_output panel
Display output set. Reset the board for the change to take effect.
SHELL>> reset
Figure 53. Enable panel-based video output command
The SLN-VIZN3D-IOT kits leverage the MIMXRT117F parallel display controller to control the supplied TFT screen
with NXP driver/middleware available in the SLN-VIZN3D-IOT SDK package.
The VIZN3D board embeds parallel display connectors (J208, J209) compatible with the Rocktech RK043FN02H-CT WQVGA
landscape 4.3inch TFT screen with capacitive touch. Low-level drivers for this display are available in the RT1060 EVK
SDK package
The VIZN3D board also features a MIPI display connector (J206) to connect the Rocktech RK055HDMIPI4M HD720 landscape
5.5 inch TFT screen with capacitive touch. Low-level drivers for this display are available in the RT1170 EVK SDK package.
Figure 54. Rocktech RK043FN02H-CT (left) and RK055HDMIPI4M (right)
6.5 Camera configuration
The camera output displayed on the screen can be configured via the “display_output source” command choosing between RGB,
3DIR, and 3DDEPTH options.
SHELL>> display_output source RGB
Display output source set
SHELL>> display_output source 3DIR
Display output source set
SHELL>> display_output source 3DDEPTH
Display output source set
Figure 55. Three camera output commands
NXP Semiconductors
Additional features
SLN-VIZN3D-IOT Kit User Guide, Rev. 0, 01 November 2021
User Guide
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