pushbutton and completes after 2 seconds. After registration completes, no face is detected, and the kit falls asleep after
10 seconds.
While low-power mode’s automatic configuration is active and the kit is about to enter sleep, a “Recognition Failed” message like
the one shown in the below figure is displayed on the screen as a warning that the SLN-VIZN3D-IOT is entering sleep mode within
the next 1.5 seconds.
Figure 39. "Recognition timeout" message
Should 1.5 seconds pass without any events which disrupt low-power mode’s activation taking place, the regular low-power mode
splash screen is displayed and the kit goes to sleep.
Figure 40. "Enter Sleep" Splash Screen
Once asleep, the board can only be awoken by the triggers mentioned in
: USB Power (power cycling the kit), the reset
switch (SW4), SW0 switch, the PIR sensor, and the QN9090 Bluetooth module. Triggering a wake-up causes the board to return
to normal operation.
NXP Semiconductors
Additional features
SLN-VIZN3D-IOT Kit User Guide, Rev. 0, 01 November 2021
User Guide
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