Outboard with cover removed, looking at its port side.
Arrows point to oil dipstick and fill cap.
The dinghy is equipped with running lights and bilge pump. Be sure all equipment is “Off” when
stowing the dinghy! Open the drain plug in rainy weather so the pump doesn’t run.
Please be careful when pulling the dinghy ashore on beaches to minimize damage and
scratches to the bottom. Dragging can be reduced by lifting the dinghy with two persons, one on each
side. Don’t “Ram” the beach; you can bump up to the beach gently and step ashore over the bow,
pulling the dinghy a little more ashore as each person off-loads. Don’t forget to raise the outboard!
4E3: Outboard Motor
The outboard motor for the dinghy is a four-stroke
Honda 15 hp, electric-start outboard. It uses plain fuel,
should not be mixed with the gasoline
. To check the oil,
remove the cover by operating the latch at the back of the
motor. The dipstick is on the starboard side, while the fill is to
port. Use the oil stowed in the lazarette.
Be sure to replace and latch the cover after the checks!
The motor has an automatic choke. .
Outboard Operation:
1) Be sure engine is lowered. Outboard tilt is manual, not electric.
2) Pump fuel line bulb until it resists your squeeze.
3) Start button is below tiller arm.
Section 4E: Dinghy, Davit & Outboard 4.6