4G6: DC Breaker Panels
Main DC Breaker Panel
The nerve center of
the DC electrical system is
this DC circuit breaker
panel by the helm. On this
panel are the switches that
control power to the boat’s
various systems.
As for the breaker
panel itself, just as in your
home, most of these
switches are true “circuit
breakers”: they feed
power to somewhere in the
boat where there is
another switch which, in
turn, turns the item on and
off. An example of this
would be the circuit
breakers for the horn and
electric head. If the
breaker is turned on, the
horn won’t work unless
you push the horn button,
and the head won’t flush unless you are there in the head compartment to operate it!
But some of the other breakers also serve as the switch for the item. An example of this would
be the navigation light breaker or the macerator pump breaker.
The Battery Switch on this panel should always be left in the “House" position. In addition,
NEVER switch this to “off” with the engines running except in a dire electrical emergency!
See the next page for a full description of each breaker and other device on the panel.
Main DC Breaker Panel, left side of lower helm cabinet. Master switch is large “Perko” knob in bottom of
illustration. Arrows point to Bilge Pump control switches and breakers.
Author’s note: The Grand
Banks electrical switch panels
are made from a high-gloss
material, so it is impossible to
photograph them “straight-on”.
That is why they are shot at
an angle....
Section 4G: Electrical Systems, DC 4.15