Plug-in and Power Up
1. Plug the power cord from each monitor and the power supply for each set of stereo speakers into a power
Connect the
AC adapter power connector to the 5VDC port on the VOPEX-C5SVA-x. Make sure the
power connector goes into the port all the way.
Connect the
AC adapter power connector to the 9VDC port on each Receiver. Make sure each
power connector goes into each port all the way.
WARNING: The AC adapter for the Receiver is 9VDC. Be sure to plug the 9VDC AC adapter into
the Receiver, NOT into the VOPEX-C5SV-x !
Plug each AC adapter into a power outlet. The green LED on the VOPEX-C5SVA-x and the yellow LED on
the RJ45 connector of each ST-C5SVA-R-600 Receiver should illuminate, indicating that a proper power
connection has been made to them. (See Fig. 4.)
Figure 4- Connect an AC adapter to a Receiver
4. Turn ON the audio and video source(s), stereo speakers, and displays. They should react as if they were
directly connected to each other.
Note: The green LED on the RJ45 connector of each ST-C5SVA-R-600 will blink anytime data traffic is
passing between the VOPEX-C5SVA-x and the Receivers, indicating proper CAT5 cable connection and
communication. (See Fig. 4)
Plug-in and Power up
G r e e n C o m m u n i c a t i o n L E D
9 V D C
A d a p t e r
B a r r e l
( I n s i d e
b a r r e l )
( O u t s i d e
b a r r e l )
P o w e r C o n n e c t o r
2 . 1 m m x 5 . 5 m m F e m a l e
9 V D C @ 1 . 0 A O U T P U T
Y e l l o w P o w e r L E D
R e a r V i e w o f R e c e i v e r