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beliefs. Studies have shown that by using affirmations and “alpha
wave programming techniques,” limiting beliefs can be exchanged
for “liberating beliefs” which can make amazing differences in
your performance. Going beyond mere “positive thinking,” alpha
wave techniques provide a bridge between your conscious and
preconscious mind.
2. Brain Wave Physiology & Alpha Waves
Since the invention of the electroencephalogram (EEG) in the
1930’s, scientists have been able to measure the electrical activity
of the brain. In the active waking state, brain waves vibrate
between 14 and 20 cycles per second. Active waking brain waves
are called beta waves. During sleep, brain waves vibrate between
2 and 8 cycles per second. Intervening between waking brain
wave activity and sleeping brain waves, is a rhythmic form of
brain activity known as alpha waves. Alpha rhythms (8 to 13
cycles per second) appear when your eyes are closed and your
mind is in a quiet state of relaxation.
Your brain has two sides––a right and left hemisphere. The left
side of your brain is associated with logic and reason, while the
right is involved with creativity and intuition. When your brain is
III. Affirmations and the Zen Alarm Clock
In between the sleeping state and the waking state is a state of
deep relaxation in which your subconscious or “preconscious”
mind can be positively influenced. Making life-changing impres-
sions on your preconscious mind can be accomplished by making
“affirmations,” or positive statements to yourself. The process of
improving your life through affirmations and the role played by
the Zen Alarm Clock are discussed in this section.
1. Programming Your Preconscious Mind for a Better Life
Conscious and unconscious beliefs about yourself and your poten-
tial have a powerful effect on your life. Limiting beliefs you have
acquired in your life can hold you back in subtle but damaging
ways. Freeing yourself from your limiting beliefs and replacing
them with beliefs that expand your potential is a focus of cutting
edge psychology. Researchers have found that your beliefs about
yourself lodge in your preconscious mind. These beliefs cannot
be changed by will power alone; they must be replaced by new
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