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3. Creating Your Own Affirmations & Using the Clock
An affirmation is a specialized technique of stating a goal to your-
self in a way that re-programs your preconscious mind for
improved performance. Affirmations are most effective when
they are expressed as statements of fact or convictions written
down in your own language. Your affirmations should be person-
al, positive and in the present tense. If your goal is to become a
better parent, for example, effective affirmations may include: “I
am balanced in my expressions of discipline and understanding
toward my children.” or “When I demonstrate love and compas-
sion to my kids, they learn to show love and warmth to each
Formulate and write down an affirmation that will improve your
life. Before you go to bed, read the affirmation to yourself and
resolve to remember it when you first wake up. When you are
awakened by the Zen Alarm Clock’s chime, lie quietly in bed
before moving or opening your eyes and repeat your affirmation
to yourself three times. The chances are good that your brain will
be in a deep alpha state during the first few chimes of the clock.
If you do nothing to disturb this “freshly awakened” state, your
affirmations will be most effective and you should achieve your
in an alpha wave state, the right side is most active; the critical
censoring function performed by your left brain is “half asleep.”
When in the alpha state, your affirmations can more easily pass
through the “gate-keeper” of your left hemisphere, unaffected by
self-doubt, and into your preconscious mind. When an affirma-
tion is successfully received by your preconscious mind it can
have a significant effect on your reaction patterns.
Although alpha brain waves occur naturally as you are falling
asleep or day dreaming, alpha wave activity is at its height when
you first wake up. Concrete thoughts, physical activity, or light
on the retina of the eye can send the brain out of alpha and into
beta wave activity. Thus the ideal time for programming the pre-
conscious mind through suggestions in the alpha state is immedi-
ately upon awakening. Through the use of affirmations in the
alpha state, the mind’s natural impressioning power can help you
stick to your diet, improve your self image, or make you more
motivated. Repeating commands to the preconscious mind pre-
pares you for success. Repetition is key and the effects of alpha
wave state affirmations are cumulative.
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