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desired results. Like dreamwork, improving your life through
alpha wave techniques can be accomplished without the use of
the Zen Alarm Clock. But using the clock makes the process eas-
ier and more fun.
Further Reading:
Johnson & Swindley Creating Confidence: The secrets of self-esteem.
Rockport, MA: Element, Inc., 1994.
Gillett, Richard Change Your Mind, Change Your World: A Practical
Guide to Turning Limiting Beliefs into Positive Realities. New York:
Simon & Schuster, 1992.
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IV. Meditation and the Zen Alarm Clock
Beyond the psychological inquiry into dreams or the self-
improvement techniques of affirmations lies the ancient and
sacred practice of meditation. Some form of meditation is prac-
ticed in every major world religion. Yogis, Christian mystics, Zen
Buddhists, Quakers, practitioners of the Kabbala, and Secular
Humanists, all experience the benefits of meditation. The Zen
Alarm Clock is an “accoutrement to meditation.” It can be used
in a variety of ways to aid your practice and encourage you to
“make time” to meditate.
1. The Meditative State
Although there are many forms and theories of meditation, two
basic approaches emerge. These two basic types of meditation
can be characterized as “meditation with form” and “meditation
without form.” In meditation with form, the practitioner focuses
on contacting his or her Higher Self, or communing with
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