What the power button
colors mean
What the Wi-Fi LED
states mean
Red Flashing
Low battery
Red Solid
Bad SIM contact. Please reinsert the SIM card
Amber Flashing
Battery charging
Amber Solid
Battery fully charged
Green Flashing
A GPRS or EDGE(2G) network is available, but not connected
Green Solid
Connected to GPRS or EDGE(2G) service
Blue Flashing
A UMTS(3G) network is available, but not connected
Blue Solid
Connected to UMTS(3G) service
Violet Flashing
An HSPA(Faster 3G) network is available, but not connected
Violet Solid
Connected to HSPA(Faster3G) service
Blue and
Green Flashing
Poor Network coverage.
See pg.10-11
No light:
Wi-Fi is off or disabled, because device is plugged
into a USB port (tethered mode).
On with users connected
On with no users connected