INA 15092:I 05/30/01
3.2.4 Trouble With INA and NCS Equipment
Signals originating at INAs and NCSs will be transmitted to other reporting nodes (i.e, NCS or another INA) on the
network. Network node off-line conditions depend on the local settings (grouping and linking) of the INA and are
detected individually by all reporting nodes on the network. The following example illustrates the format used by the
INA to display equipment trouble signals from local and remote INAs and NCSs. Local INA troubles and remote INA
and NCS troubles have a lower priority than AM2020/AFP1010, AFP-300/400 or AFP-200 unacknowledged alarms and
troubles. Refer to Chapter Two,
About Priorities.
FAILURE@@@@@@@@@@@@@04:32P 03/01/00 T01
3.2.5 Trouble With Network Communications
The INA will display a node communications trouble for any node that was present on the network but stopped communi-
cating. The following example illustrates the format used to display Network Communications Trouble.
Trouble Index
Provide this index to your
NOTIFIER Representative
for troubleshooting.
Time and Date
Hour:Minute Month/Day/Year
Specific Trouble Message
Device Status
Node Address
(Range is from 1 to 240)
Local INA Node Address
(Range is from 1 to 240)
Device Status
Specific Trouble Message
Trouble Index
Provide this index to your
NOTIFIER Representative
for troubleshooting.
Time and Date
Hour:Minute Month/Day/Year
Address of node that stopped
The piezo sounder will sound steadily for unacknowledged trouble conditions.
DISCONNECTED@@@@@@@ 04:32P 03/01/00 T02