© 2018 Cutting Edge Optronics, Inc.
Patara I and II Laser User Manual
Chapter 4: Installation and Operation
To ensure safe operation of the Patara laser system, refer to the Chiller User
Manual, and
Chapter 3: Operating Basics
of the
eDrive User Manual
UMAN-0001). This chapter covers:
Laser system components
Unpacking the laser system
Laser head setup
eDrive setup
Chiller setup
Connecting the chiller
PolyScience 6000 power-up procedure
First Time Laser Power-up procedure
Daily operation
Output power control
External triggering and FPS
The purchaser is responsible for any loss and injury during installation and use of
the laser system. Northrop Grumman recommends that a qualified service
technician install and maintain the laser. If intending to service the laser
personally, please follow the following procedures.