I n s t a l l a t i o n 3 - 5 9
2-Mb/s Remote Peripheral Equipment Appendix 1 to 553-2741-200
C h a r t 3 - 9 ( c o n t i n u e d )
QCAD321 junction box assembly installation
S t e p P r o c e d u r e
15 Install and connect a 4 AWG red wire between the CHARGE bus
in the QBL15 and terminal 1 of terminal block TB1 in the QCAD321
junction box (Figure 2-13 and 2-14).
Use one 4 AWG wire for distances up to 100 ft (30 m).
Use two 4 AWG wires for distances of 100 to a maximum of
200 ft (20 to 60 m). Terminal 2 of terminal block TB1 in the
junction box is reserved for a second 4 AWG wire.
16 Install and connect a 2 pair 24 AWG Z-type station wire between
terminal blocks TB1 and TB2 (-SENSE, +SENSE and ALARM) in
the QBL15 battery distribution unit and terminal 1 (-SENSE),
terminal 2 (+SENSE), and terminal 3 (ALARM) of terminal block
TB2 in the QCAD321 junction box (Figure 2-15).
The TRIP connection is not used when connecting to a
QCAD321 junction box assembly.
17 Remove the assigned discharge fuses (Figure 2-13) from the
QBL15 battery distribution box.
18 Install and connect a 4 AWG red wire from the assigned
discharge fuse in the QBL15 battery distribution box to terminal 3
of terminal block TB1 in the QCAD321 junction box (Figure 2-13
and 2-14)
Use one 4 AWG wire for distances up to 100 ft (30 m).
Use two 4 AWG wires for distances of 100 to a maximum of
200 ft (30 to 60 m). Terminal 4 of terminal block TB1 in the
junction box is reserved for a second 4 AWG wire.
If the cabinet draws more than 30 A, install and connect
additional 4 AWG red wiring between discharge terminal 4 in