I n s t a l l a t i o n 3 - 4 5
2-Mb/s Remote Peripheral Equipment Appendix 1 to 553-2741-200
C h a r t 3 - 6 ( c o n t i n u e d )
Alarm and transfer wiring (P10) installation
S t e p P r o c e d u r e
1 If not previously removed, remove the lower rear cover from the
2 Tag and install one or two (as required) QCAD294 cables
through a round access hole at the rear of the cabinet.
The end of the wires equipped with spade tip connectors
will be connected to TB2 at the rear of the QUX19 power unit.
Leave enough wire to reach the connections.
3 Install the cables in to the area reserved for P10 cables at the
cross-connect terminal.
The cables each contain two black wires, one paired
with a white wire and one with a red wire. Care must be taken
not to interchange the black wires.
4 Terminate and designate cable 1 (if provided) as follows:
• Terminate the red wire and designate as AUX.
• Terminate the white wire and designate as GRD.
• Terminate the black wire associated with the white wire and
designate as XPE
• Terminate the black wire associated with the red wire and
designate as CPE.
• Store the braided wire (connected only in the cabinet).