3 - 4 4 I n s t a l l a t i o n
2-Mb/s Remote Peripheral Equipment Appendix 1 to 553-2741-200
C h a r t 3 - 5
Q U A 6 P o w e r F a i l T r a n s f e r U n i t ( P F T U ) i n s t a l l a t i o n
S t e p
P r o c e d u r e
Remove the QUA6 unit from its container.
Mount the unit (preferably on a wall if cabinet is not equipped with
a built-in cross-connect terminal) near the Meridian SL-1 cross-
connect terminal and secure with four screws.
Install an NE-A25B-type cable from connector J1 on the QUA6
unit to a connecting block reserved for PFJ1 cables at the cross-
connect terminal.
Cross-connect the PFJ1 cable to the P10 cable and to the
telephones and trunks assigned to emergency transfer.
See Table 2-B.
C h a r t 3 - 6
Alarm and transfer wiring (P10) installation
The P10 wiring is extended from the rear of the QUX19 unit in the
cabinet to the cross-connect terminal using a QCAD294-type cable
available in the following lengths:
25 ft (7600 mm) - QCAD294B1
50 ft (15200 mm) - QCAD294B2
100 ft (30400) - QCAD294B3
One QCAD294 cable is required when the cabinet is served by one or
more QUA6 Power Fail Transfer Units (PFTU). This cable should be
designated as cable 1.
A second QCAD294 cable is used to extend the major (MJ) alarm
connections to attendant consoles and to extend remote (REM) alarm
connections. This cable should be designated as cable 2.