DPP Card Replacement Guide BCS35 and up
Data Stream Interface circuit pack
General description
The DPP application eliminates the Magnetic Tape Devices (MTDs) used
with the DMS–100 to collect AMA. Data Stream Interface (DSI) circuit
packs (slots 12 and 13 in the A and B chassis) in the DPP replace the MTDs.
The DSI packs are smart circuit assemblies, each with its own Z80
microprocessors, EPROM resident software programs, and RAM. Since
MTD emulation requires the DPP to maintain redundant communication
with the DMS–100 Mag Tape Ports, the DSI circuit packs are active devices.
The DSI software program receives and processes commands the DMS–100
normally sends to the MTD. This software also responds with the status and
strobe signals the MTDs normally return to the DMS–100. Furthermore,
these packs handle the call record data from the DMS–100.
Primary function
The DSI circuit packs’ main function is to receive call record AMA data
blocks from the DMS–100, to process those records (where required), and to
make this data available for transfer to the correct buffer in the main CPU.
Output signals from the DMS–100 MTD ports come through the interface
box ribbon cables and adapters and arrive at the DSI circuit packs’ input
Cable adapter assemblies
The MTD data path from the DMS–100 to DPP is through DSI cable adapter
assemblies in interface boxes installed near the DPP. These assemblies
duplicate the connections for the cables that normally interface the
DMS–100 to the MTDs. The DMS–100 MTD ports plug into an interface
box that provides connectors for the control and status, read, and write leads
from the DMS–100. System signals are passed through the interface boxes
to J connectors on the DPP. From the J connectors, the signals are routed
internally to the DPP DSI circuit packs.
See Table 10–1 for option settings on this circuit pack. Figure 10–1 shows
the jumper locations and circuit packs’ layout.