List of terms 18–163
DPP Card Replacement Guide BCS35 and up
Data Stream Interface
A DPP circuit that accepts AMA data from the DMS–100 MTD–driven
circuit packs or equivalents. The DSI emulates a Magnetic Tape Drive on
DMS–100 MTD Ports, duplicating all communications signals normally
exchanged between the DMS–100 and an MTD.
Data Terminal Ready
A signal sent from a terminal device indicating to the host device its
readiness to communicate.
Emergency Administrative Interface
A terminal port at the DPP to support the Emergency Administrative
Emergency Administrative Terminal
A maintenance terminal connected directly to the DPP that is used for
performing various maintenance functions on the DPP. The EAT connects to
the DPP emergency administrative interface.
Electronic Industries Association
Electromagnetic Interference
Emissions given off by all electronic devices which may interfere with TV,
radio, police radio, and other forms of electronic communication if emitting
devices are not properly shielded.
End of Tape
A signal sent from an MTD to its host indicating that no more data should be
recorded on the currently loaded tape.