Noraxon U.S.A., Inc.
myoMOTION Data Logger
P-6828 Rev A (Oct 2014)
Section 7: Pre-Use Check-Out
The sensor’s green STATUS indicator provides a means of communicating its operational state.
In the idle state, the STATUS indicator will flash at a low, once per second rate. When the sensor
is actively measuring a signal, the STATUS indicator will flash recognizably faster.
If the STATUS indicator is not flashing at all, the myoMOTION Sensor must be placed in a
powered charger station to be reactivated. This could be due to a depleted sensor battery or if the
sensor has been deliberately placed in a special shut down mode.
For proper operation the myoMOTION Sensor must be applied firmly to the body in the correct
orientation. Care should be taken to make sure the sensor rotates with the limb to which it is
attached. Each sensor has a label indicating the X, Y and Z –axis in the lower right hand corner of
the sensor. Generally all sensors are positioned so that in normal standing position the sensor is
in line with the side of the body (upper extremities) or the front of the body (lower extremities) and
the X-axis vector on the sensor label is pointing vertically up. The only exception to this is the foot
sensor; here the X-axis vector is pointing toward the toes.
: When no pelvis sensor is included in the system, extra care needs to be taken to ensure
that the sensors are in line with the underlying bone segment and pointing in the correct direction.
When the pelvic sensor is used, an exact sensor positioning is not required; the accuracy of the
sensor is not affected by a slight variance.
The myoMOTION Sensors can be secured in place using Noraxon supplied double-sided
adhesive tape, clips and/or elastic straps. Straps are recommended if dynamic movements are
Instruct the subject to assume the selected starting position (calibration pose): Standing straight,
Standing arms flexed 90°, or Sitting with arms and legs flexed 90°. During calibration, the sensors
are compared to the known starting position of all the body joints. When ready, the user will hit
the Calibration button to begin. The Data Logger will indicate the start of the countdown to
calibration by a visual countdown on the display screen as well as an audible tone every second
of the countdown until calibration has ended at 0 seconds.