Valve Tuning
Each valve must be tuned correctly for optimum performance from the UC4.5 Spray Height
Control System. When setting up the valves, the sprayer booms must have room to move in
their full range of motion. Make sure there are no obstructions, such as power lines, that the
booms may come into contact with.
Before setting up the valves manually, it is recommended to attempt the automatic install.
Starting the automatic install will load the default valve settings, which will make the manual
valve setup much simpler. At any time the automatic install can be cancelled and the default
settings are still stored.
Each valve has two settings; deadzone and gain. The dead zone relates to the smallest amount
of movement the valve can produce. The maximum boom speed is dependent on the gain.
A dead zone and gain parameter exists for each valve. Each valve may be tuned:
Automatically (as part of the automatic install or retune).
Automatically (one valve at a time).
Note: It is not necessary to run both the AUTO and Manual tests. The tests are entirely independent.
The left channel menu prompts are shown below. For other channels, the basic structure and
behavior of the prompts is the same.
Left Channel On
Left Channel Dead Zone Up
Left Channel Gain Up
Left Channel Dead Zone Down
Left Channel Gain Down
Figure 10: Hydraulic Setup Menu (for Left Channel)
KP 40
KP 80
Left On
DZ 50
DZ 50