Application Parameter Settings
Parameters not listed in the table should be set to their factory default values.
For factory defaults, see section 8.
4.1 OnBoard Scale Settings
2 0
5 2
8 0
9 0
10 1
11 3
19 1
21 2
22 0
23 15
24 16
30 3*
31 0
34 3
38 0
40 0
41 100
42 12
43 8
44 0
50 1
65 2
Table 1 – Onboard Parameters
Parameters 3 and 4 will vary depending on application see the table below for
the proper values of each.
** Set Parameter 6 power on units to 1 for Kg or 0 for lbs.
*** Set Parameter 30 to 3 for Ticket Printers or 6 for roll printer (Also see
printer section)