Using the 9847 Pulse Oximeter
Low Battery Indicator
The low battery indicator steadily illuminates when the battery level is marginal. The
batteries should then be replaced as soon as possible.
When the battery level is low:
• the low battery indicator blinks,
• a medium priority equipment audible alarm is started (unless an audible high priority patient alarm is
in progress),
• if the respective alarms are not “latched” (continuing), the SpO
, pulse rate, and CO
bar graph will
be blank,
• if not “latched”, the pulse quality indicator will blink yellow or red but not green, and
• an existing visible high priority patient alarm will “latch” (continue):
• a latched no breath alarm will blink the no breath indicator,
• a latched high or low SpO
or pulse rate alarm will display three dashes blinking in the
corresponding numeric display, and
• a latched pulse quality alarm will blink red.
When batteries are critically low:
• low battery indicator blinks,
• set-up mode is disabled,
• displays are blank (no patient data), and
• batteries must be replaced.
The device will not monitor a patient once the batteries reach a critically low level. The batteries must
then be replaced before further use of the 9847.
Removing batteries may delete memory and all user defined settings, including calendar
and clock.
Audible Alarm Disabled Indicator
If the device is turned on with the audible alarms permanently disabled, the
yellow “audible alarm disabled” indicator will be steadily illuminated. If the audible
alarms are temporarily disabled, the “audible alarm disabled” indicator will blink.
After the 9847 is turned on (and after exiting the setup mode, if applicable) and
until a pulse oximeter or CO
sensor is plugged in for the first time, the “audible
alarm disabled” indicator will blink (or will remain steadily illuminated if the audible alarms are
“permanently” disabled).
This “audible alarm disabled” indication cannot be turned off until a sensor is plugged in. (This is the only
illuminated indicator until a sensor is detected, and provides an “on” indication to the user.) If the audible
alarms are not disabled, a 2-minute “temporarily disabled” timer starts the first time a sensor is plugged
in after power on. See “Disabling the Audible Alarms” on page 17 for additional information.