Alternative 1: You have taken and evaluated a proper test picture, and found that the picture does not turn
out as expected.
Alternative 2: The camera is not capable of taking pictures, or the viewfinder is blank.
1. Check Vcam (R3326, 1.8 V) and Vflash1 (C2602, 2.78 V). If not OK, go on to the next step.
2. Replace the camera. If still not OK, go on to the next step.
3. Replace the PWB.
Troubleshooting: SIM card
1. Correct type of card? (1.8 V or 3.0 V)
2. Check that SIM detect line is low when SIM lid is closed.
3. Make sure UI board is OK by testing it in a known good phone
4. Check VSIM (1.8 V or 3.0 V)
5. Check BTB flex
6. Replace UI board
7. Replace PWB
Troubleshooting: Flash programming
1. Flash programming does not work
2. Replace PWB
Troubleshooting for Repair service
Nokia Customer Care
Issue 1
Page 6 –7
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